Download Proloquo2Go for iPhone and iPad

Download Proloquo2Go for iPhone and iPad

Download Proloquo2Go for iPhone and iPad

This app takes on one of the greatest challenges that autistic children face. Communication is very important and worth the extra effort expended to develop it.

This is an ACC (Argumentative and Alternative Communication) app uses the strength that autistic children show in being able to interpret pictures to counteract any problems they might have in the area of speech.

Proloquo2Go uses pictures and symbols to construct sentences in a simple manner to teach communication. There is support for both American and British pronunciation.

A text to speech converter is included, as is a vocabulary that is customizable to your own child.

A word prediction calculator comes in especially handy for autistic children and is also included. Available from iTunes.


Download Proloquo2Go for iPhone

Download Proloquo2Go for iPad

(1 raters, 5 scores, average: 5.00 out of 5)

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